/* The first line of every GUI is the window definition. The window is titled
"Tutorial 3" and its elements will be laid out verticaly (v). It has a
closegadget (cg) , depthgadget (dg) , and dragbar (db). It will have spaces
inbetween its gadgets (si). It will open on the topleft (tl) of the screen
becoming active (a) when opened. The GUI can be modified (m). It is an 'app
window' that icons can be dropped on (app).*/
/* if we find a vaid env file we use its settings.*/
if (readenv()) topipe(GP," \"Tutorial 4\" app v cg dg db sg fh si ig ii \"tutorial4\" a m top %ld left %ld width %ld height %ld\n",wintop,winleft,winhigh,winwide);
else topipe(GP," \"Tutorial 4\" app v cg dg db sg fh si ig ii \"tutorial4\" a tl m\n");
/* define the gadgets*/
/* Labels are used to tell the user what information to enter in each gadget.
These labels are unatached (ua) when they are defined so don't go directly
into the GUI. Instead they are attached to the following gadget by the